Navigation through vibrations : Qalqalah, a reader
At Salon de lecture Jacques Kerchache, musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac
With Lotte Arndt (theoretician, Goethe-Institut Fellow at Villa Vassilieff) and Marian Nur Goni (researcher) and the last issues’ editors.
Laying on the work of contemporary artists and projects engaged in assembling photographic archives related to weakened communities, researcher Marian Nur Goni will to reflect on the ways to remedy the memory vacuum by working on image. Her intervention will be preceded by a presentation of Qalqalah’s past and future issues and followed by a discussion between the contributors and the public.
This conversation initiated by Bétonsalon — Center for Art and Research and Kadist, will give the opportunity to discuss the research directions developed through Qalqalah over these last two years. Qalqalah is a bi-lingual online publication designed as a space of intersection that intends to shift western references.
Qalqalah borrows its title from a text written by the Cairene curator Sarah Rifky. Her eponymous heroin lives in a near future and gradually loses memory in a world where linguistic, artistic and economic notions have quietly collapsed.
Lotte Arndt teaches at the art school l’École supérieure d’art et design de Valence since 2014. In 2013, she finished her PhD dealing with Paris based cultural magazines related to Africa (Paris, Berlin), and worked as researcher in residency at the art school l’École supérieure d’art de Clermont Métropole (2013-2014). She coordinated the artistic research project "Karawane" that accompanied the making of the Belgian pavilion of Vincent Meessen and Katerina Gregos at the Venice Biennale 2015. She is part of the artists and researcher group Ruser l’image; publishes regularly on topics regarding the postcolonial present and artistic strategies in pursuit of subverting Eurocentric institutions and narratives. Recent publications include Crawling Doubles. Colonial Collecting and Affect (with Mathieu K. Abonnenc and Catalina Lozano), Paris, B42, 2016 ; Hunting & Collecting. Sammy Baloji,(with Asger Taiaksev), Brussels, Paris, MuZEE and Imane Farès, 2016 and Les revues font la culture ! Négociations postcoloniales dans les périodiques parisiens relatifs à l’Afrique (2047-2012), WVT, 2016.
Marian Nur Goni is an EHESS Phd student. Her researches focus on East African history (with a particular focus on history and anthropology interaction), contemporary art in Africa and its reception in the West, and finally art practices in Africa. She publishes - among others - in Fotota, a research blog co-founded with the historian Érika Nimis. In 2014-2015 she received a grant from Quai Branly museum for collection documentation.
The audio recording of this event is available by clicking here
The first issue of Qalqalah (released in April 2015) is a collection of contributions from Marie-laure Allain Bonilla, Lotte Arndt, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Maryam Jafri, Saadat Hasan Manto, Pedro Neves Marques, Marian Nur Goni et Erika Nimis, Helihanta Rajaonarison, Sarah Rifky and Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa.
The second issue of Qalqalah (released in February 2016) is a collection of contributions from Antariksa, Biljana Ciric, Maxime Guitton, Marianna Hovhannisyan, Otobong Nkanga, Victoria Noorthoorn, Sarah Rifky and Simon Soon.
Editorial content : Virginie Bobin, Mélanie Bouteloup, Léna Monnier, Elodie Royer and Emilie Villez. Graphic design : Syndicat.
The third of Qalqalah issue will be released in the course of 2017. Lotte Arndt (theoretician, Goethe-Institut Fellow at Villa Vassilieff) is the associate editor.
More information on Bétonsalon — Centre d’art et de recherche’s and Kadist Art Foundation Paris’ websites.