Mia Brion
Mia Brion graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2018. She has published l’a la le (2018) at Éditions Théâtre Typographique. This balade-essay, illustrated with dog flowers by Thelma Cappello, focuses on the address in poetry where reality is played out, as much as love and magic in the text as the arrangement of life by the rest. This stroll is declined through two or three eponymous performances and other surrounding names and forms.
With Gabriel Gauthier, they create a series of performance film dramas: Marcel Hors-champ (2018) and Gens de loisirs (2019).
Her work has been presented at Bétonsalon - Centre d’art et de recherche (Raccourcis et paraboles, 2016), at Villa Vassilieff (Demain est une île, 2016), at the Cité internationale des arts (Nous ne sommes pas le nombre que nous croyons être, 2018) at the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Mosaïque des lexiques, #6, 2019), at the CIPM - Centre international de poésie Marseille (#2 - va l’heure, 2019)
She is working on a second book that will be published in 2020.